
The Search Engine for Maximum Privacy

Femtosearch is a new search engine, currently under development, that offers much greater privacy than existing search engines.

FemtosearchBot is Femtosearch's web crawler, which discovers new and updated pages to add to Femtosearch's index. FemtosearchBot implements a policy of politeness by rate-limiting its requests and respecting the robots exclusion protocol (i.e. robots.txt).

What if I don't want my site indexed by Femtosearch?
Please configure your hosts's robots.txt file to disallow FemtosearchBot. Note, however, that this will result in your site not appearing in Femtosearch search results. See the Robots Exclusion Standard Wikipedia page, www.robotstxt.org, or the instructions below for more details.
How do I disable FemotsearchBot on my site?
To prevent FemtosearchBot from indexing your entire site, add the following to your website's robots.txt:
User-agent: FemtosearchBot
Disallow: *
Alternatively, prevent FemtosearchBot from indexing specific locations only, for example /internal/, by adding the following to your website's robots.txt:
User-agent: FemtosearchBot
Disallow: /internal/
What is Femtosearch's User-Agent string?
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FemtosearchBot/1.0; http://femtosearch.com)